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We advocate for a cleaner environment by promoting ZERO emissions in the Malaysian transportation industry through the adoption of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles).
We work with relevant individuals and organizations (both governmental and non-governmental) to contribute to the creation of BEV laws, policies, and/or standards.
Malaysia Zero Emission Vehicle Association (MyZEVA) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and the first association in Malaysia to bring together all like-minded stakeholders in a transportation ecosystem to advocate for a cleaner environment via the adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEV).
MyZEVA provides a platform for all Association members to express their concerns to key industry stakeholders. With this, we contribute to the development of applicable laws, policies, and/or standards on BEV issues.
We aspire to improve public knowledge of the usage of BEVs towards a cleaner environment by organizing events that allow networking among members and stakeholders interested in BEV-related activities.
Our mission is to encourage the use of BEVs to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a sustainable transportation system.
Ir. Mohd. Junaizee Mohd Noor
(Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi
Vice President
(Persatuan Pemilik Kenderaan Elektrik Malaysia)
Dato’ Thiruchandran Thiruchelvam
(Charge N Go Sdn Bhd)
Aishah Daniyal
Executive Secretary
(Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
Sashi Ambihaipahan
Committee 1
(BMW Group Malaysia)
YM Raja Petra Marudin Bin YM Raja Nordin
Committee 2
(Persatuan Pengimport dan Peniaga Kenderaan Melayu)
Ir. Saravaiswaran a/l Ramakrishnan
Committee 3
(Tenaga E Mobility Solution Sdn Bhd)
Khairil Affendy Khazali
Committee 4
(Volvo Car Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
Shamsudin Bin Haji Amran
Committee 5
(Bermaz Auto Berhad)
Asmawi Ramli
Committee 6
(UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd)
Abdul Hafiz Abdul Rashid
Committee 7
(VSD Automation Sdn Bhd)
Steven Ong
Committee 8
(KVC Industrial Supplies Sdn Bhd)
Bill Tan
Committee 9
(TC EURO Cars Sdn Bhd)
Yong Sien Wae
Committee 10
(Hasilwan (M) Sdn Bhd)
Lee Wuen Han
Committee 11
(Recharge Xolutions Sdn Bhd)
Pang Jun Jie
Committee 12
(Gemilang Coachwork Sdn Bhd)
Regulatory Engagement Subcommittee
Research Subcommittee
Public Engagement Subcommittee
Pang Jun Jie
(Gemilang Coachwork Sdn Bhd)
Lee Yuen How
(Electric Vehicle Charging Industry Association)
YM Raja Petra Marudin Raja Nordin
(Persatuan Pengimport dan Peniaga Kenderaan Melayu)
Entrance fee:
Annual subscription for Ordinary members:
Annual subscription for Associate members:
Ordinary Members
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and subsidiaries of TNB (“Founder Members”). Electricity utility companies registered in Malaysia which are engaged in generation of electricity, maintaining the transmission and distribution grid, and retail of electricity sale.
BEV importers or manufacturers. Any corporate body owned and controlled by Malaysians and duly registered in Malaysia which involved in the BEV ecosystem and in the opinion of the Committee is fit and proper to be an Ordinary Member.
Associations of importers and manufactures that have interest in BEV. BEV charging point operators, suppliers, or associations. BEV battery manufacturing plant owners or associations. Any corporate body owned and controlled by Malaysians and duly registered in Malaysia which is involved in the BEV ecosystem and in the opinion of the Committee is fit and proper to be an Ordinary Member.
Associate Members
Training institutes and/or research centers which are interested in the use of BEV to reduce emission. Any resident association in Malaysia involved directly or indirectly with the BEV industry. Any other body as the Committee deems fit.
Membership Approval
All application for membership is subject to the approval of the Committee. The Committee may, at its discretion, reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
Zero Emission Vehicle Association (ZEVA) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and the first association in Malaysia to bring together all like-minded stakeholders in a transportation ecosystem to advocate for a cleaner environment via the adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEV).
Wan Ahmad Zam Zam bin Wan Abd Wahab
(Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
Mohamad Haikal Zubir
Vice President
(Gentari Sdn Bhd)
Dato’ Thiruchandran
(Charge N Go Sdn Bhd)
Abdul Hafiz Abdul Rashid Membership Due Diligence and Promotion
(VSD Automation Sdn Bhd)
Nisrina Aathirah Mohd Rossli
Social Media
(Go To U (M) Sdn Bhd)
Pang Jun Jie
(Gemilang Coachwork Sdn Bhd)
Hoffen Teh
Public Engagement and Events
(Mitsubishi Motors
Yong Sien Wae
Industry Relation
(Hasilwan (M) Sdn Bhd)
Syamsul Imran bin
Government Relation
(Kineta Sdn Bhd)
Promoting the use of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) towards reducing carbon emission.
Malaysia Zero Emission Vehicle Association
(Persatuan Kenderaan Beremisi Sifar Malaysia)